
BEING THERE por­traits four peo­p­le from dif­fe­rent cul­tures giving care to dying peo­p­le. By con­fron­ting their own mor­ta­li­ty, they pre­sent ways how to show up for dying indi­vi­du­als in the last peri­od of life, and how this con­nects to their own life again and again, reflec­ting on their rela­ti­on to death and dying. The prot­ago­nists (Ron Hoff­man, USA, Eli­sa­beth Wuerm­li, Switz­er­land, Alcio Braz, Bra­zil and Sonam Döl­ma, Nepal) rai­se the ques­ti­on whe­ther we should adopt a new Ars Mori­en­di in today’s time. A new art of dying – as it was the case in the Midd­le Ages – that would com­pre­hend dying as a vital part of life and that could enrich our lives again by deal­ing with our death more con­scious­ly.



Direc­tion   Tho­mas Lue­chin­ger
Pro­duc­tion   roses for you film (Tho­mas Lue­chin­ger)
Prot­ago­nists   Alcio Braz, Sonam Döl­ma, Ron Hoff­man, Eli­sa­beth Wuerm­li
Pho­to­gra­phy   Tho­mas Lue­chin­ger
Editing   Rolf Lang, Samu­el Kel­len­ber­ger, Tho­mas Lue­chin­ger
Sound   Wer­ner Graf, Hem­raj Dangal
Color Gra­ding   REDSMOKE AG, Rolf Lang
Sound Mix   Ephrem Lue­chin­ger, Manu­el Rind­lis­ba­cher
Score and Sound Design   Ephrem Lue­chin­ger, Manu­el Rind­lis­ba­cher

Production & Release

Pro­duc­tion   Switz­er­land, 2016
Ori­gi­nal ver­si­on   English/Swiss German/Nepalese/Portuguese, 16:9, color, ste­reo
Sub­tit­les   Ger­man, Eng­lish, French
Run­time   95 Min.
Gen­re   Docu­men­ta­ry
SUI­SA-No.   1011.552
Cine­ma­tic pre­mie­re   2nd Novem­ber 2016 (Switz­er­land)
Fes­ti­vals   Solo­thurn, Jai­pur Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val 2017, Lake­si­de Doc Fes­ti­val 2017
Dis­tri­bu­ti­on  roses for you film